Friday, November 23, 2007
Hold Em Poker
Texas Hold Em Poker player always keeps at least one eye on the other players, and two of the most important times to watch the other poker players are when they make their opening bets and when the flop goes down.Experience gives you an edge in the game and the more you play, the less you will be surprised by lady luck, and people who play poker professionally, still practice all the time.An experienced poker player will tell you that one of the best moves you can make in Hold Em Poker, is to know when to fold em, and knowing you are beat comes with experience and with enough practice, you will know when it is time to throw away your cards.Practice will help you develop your own style, increase your ability to read other players, and will get you out of sticky situations.This is useful if you do not have a very playable hand, but on the other hand, if you have a decent hand and want to see some action on it then it is no good if everyone just folds.